Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Catty Blublu (Again)

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.03 0 komentar
Halo, kamu tahu, kan, aku punya dua blog dalam satu email yang sama? Yang satu ini keren banget!
Yup! Thats right. Blog itu adalah .... MY SECOND BLOG

Di blog itu, aku sudah mengulas tentang Catty Blublu. Apa sih, Catty Blublu?
Makanan, minuman, sejenis makanan pokok? / Tidak, tidak! / Warnanya biru? / Ya, ya, bisa jadi! 
Kok nggak jelas banget namanya? Ya, sebelum kalian penasaran aku kasih tahu, deh! Sebelumnya, lebih baik kalian lihat shout box-ku, dulu! Terus, klik emoticon. Nah, itu yang aku sebut Catty Blublu (Nahloh?)
Keterangan lebih jelas, buka aja: Click Me

Jadi, well .. Catty Blublu itu adalah emoticon pertama yang aku buat. Untuk blogku aja. Nggak yang lain. Copy paste buat dijadikan emoticon blog kamu? Lebih baik kamu bikin sendiri aja.. OK?

Aku juga sudah siapin emoticon baru, yang bakal jadi temannya Catty Blublu. Pastinya lebih keren dari Catty Blublu. Tapi jangan copas emoticonku. Karena itu bakal jadi ciri khas blogku, tahu (sumedang)

Tunggu Pak Supris yaaa SURPRISE aja ya

Jumat, 31 Januari 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.36 0 komentar
Cita-citaku yaitu seorang desainer dan pengusaha. Doakan yaaaa ...
Ini beberapa rancanganku. Semoga beberapa tahun kemudian aku bisa menciptakan dan membuat baju sendiri.
Buka juga blogku yang pertama ya, MY BLOG


Diposting oleh Unknown di 22.51 0 komentar
Beberapa desain baju Natal. Klik gambarnya untuk memperbesar.

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Nice Idea!

Diposting oleh Unknown di 19.31 0 komentar
I am come from Indonesia. However, when i post on my blog named smartcreations88, I use English. Why? Because English is the international language! Many people who can speak English. And a lot of the people who mastered Indonesian. But, of course there are still many people who speak English, right? My friend suggested to add the gadget named google translation in my blog. Thats good idea! Immediately, I add google translation on smartcreations88. Hope you like it! See ya.

Shopaholic: Hollywood (game suggestion)

Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.43 0 komentar

Friends! Already know this game --> "Shopaholic: Hollywood"? This my beloved game! Everyday I play this game in my PC. Don't know this game? Play this game FREE in here (link)

Okay. Go ahead! Below are photos of Shopaholic: Hollywood creations made by me. We see this photos. If you don't like this photos (because style, color, etc), comments and tell me how good style, color, etc. Because I was still a beginner and would appreciate your critism that help in advancement of style, color, etc. Click this photo if you want to large size. :)

explanation of the photo above:
dress: simple gothic purple
shoes: purple high heels
accecories: earrings, necklace and hair ornament

explanation of the photo above:
dress: simple elegant blue
shoes: boots (blue)
accecories: earrings, necklace, gloves and hair ornament


explanation of the photo above:
dress: fantasy purple princess
shoes: sorry, because long dresses, so, shoes not visible
accecories: earrings, necklace, crown and hair ornament

explanation of the photo above:
dress: fantasy pink princess
shoes: pinky princess high heels 
accecories: earrings and hair ornament

explanation of the photo above:
t-shirt: long shirt with a picture of glasses
socks: mottled black and white zebra
shoes: pinky princess high heels 
accecories: earrings, glasses, and love tattoo
animal: brown squirrel (named Rreli) carrying an umbrella and orange butterfly

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